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Hans Cuypers (TU Eindhoven) started the day on which all four universities were represented. He mentioned that the flagship project, the recently started ‘Open up Math’, was initiated by Minister Bussemaker. The goal of the project is to strengthen an active community by creating an environment in which sharing and reusing of educational resources is the norm. The largest challenge that has to be faced, so he told us, is to change the ‘closed’ culture. Bernard Meulenbroek (TU Delft) took over and told the attendees all about his experiences with the online course Linear Algebra for pre-master's programs. He continued by telling about the problems he was dealing with. Despite these issues, many materials are already available on YouTube. Bernard pointed out that teachers should use the materials in a way that is appropriate for their courses. It has become clear that it is possible to get more interactivity if teachers and students use online courses the right way.
Joost van Opheusden (WUR) showed the group a different approach. In Wageningen, students were first shown the relevance of mathematics by using motivation clips before making exercises. Experiences taught that most problems with Flipped Classrooms were solved by introducing Blended Learning. Lastly, Joost told the listeners that all knowledge clips of Wageningen are on YouTube as well. After lunch, Karen Slotman and Harry Aarts (UTwente) shared their experiences with digital testing. Much effort has been put in to create reliable test items. Harry handed over a Mathematics exam as an example. A discussion took place, mostly about learning goals, randomization and the quick way of revising exams. Now, Harry and Karen are busy to find out how to continue this process.
Emiel van Elderen (TUDelft) continued the day. He explained the group why Physics is difficult for math students. The interpretation of these students for ‘common’ subjects in Physics and Mathematics seemed sometimes different or vague. Emile found out that the timespan of a quarter is too short to acquire insight in Physics. Tom Verhoeff (TUEindhoven) closed the day in an interactive way. He, along with some people from the audience, presented permutations by neighbor swaps to explain Combinatorial Choreography. Tom and a choreographer took up a challenge to make a modern ballet based on mathematics. Currently, he is looking for funding to create Lehmer’s Dance. The day ended with an appetizing dinner in restaurant Berlage.